Senior LTC Instructor Scott yarbro
Select Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday mornings :: 8:30am-3pm
Qualifications DONE before class at 7am
Price $95
Qualifications are now done on the SAME DAY before class. Come in early at 6:45am and sign in, and shoot your qualification at 7am. If you don't have time or are not yet ready to qualify on the same day, you can always schedule another time. Classroom instruction will begin PROMPTLY at 8:30am.
- Professional classroom instruction with Texas certified and insured instructors
- Range qualification on a Texas Department of Public Safety approved range
- Eye and ear protection
- Paperwork preparation assistance
- Receive a ticket for 1 free Test Fire Gun in the future. Ammunition is NOT included. (Total combined value of $55)
- On the day of your scheduled qualifying, please arrive on time with the following, prior to entering the classroom --- Firearm, 50 rounds of ammunition, and eye & ear protection. (You may purchase ammo at the club, but please do so before entering classroom).
There are 2 things that must be completed within 2 years of taking our class to receive your LTC. These may be done before or after the class, but do them in this ORDER:
1. DPS Website: Go to this site to sign-up with the state - this must be done before you can schedule your prints, but is not mandatory before taking our class. Click here to go to website >>
2. Get Fingerprints: Please use Service Code: 119Q91. In order to complete your DPS application, you will need to submit fingerprints. You must START the DPS application before you do your fingerprints. We DO NOT take fingerprints at Frisco Gun Club, but there are several locations in Frisco where they can be done - start with the MorphoTrust (Idento) website to register and find a location: please use Service Code: 119Q91
Click here to start >>
3. If you want to practice, select the LTC qualification attachment below.