
Spring/Summer 2018 Class

LTC Class Spring/Summer 2018 Special for ALL

For Spring/Summer 2018, Frisco Gun Club would like to offer special pricing on LTC
classes to all of our Members and Customers.


One Person - $47.00 (Use code LTC47)
Two People - $72.00 (Use code LTC72)

* Regular Price - $95.00 per Person!!
* Applies to any regularly scheduled FGC LTC class

For ALL School employees, both public and private....



For ALL School employees, both public and private.
If you are not a School employee, but know someone
who is... please share this with them!!

With appreciation and admiration for all the teachers and other school employees
out there, Frisco Gun Club would like to offer a FREE LTC Training Class to you all.
Simply use the code (FREETEACH) when booking any regularly scheduled LTC class
on our website, link below. * Does not include range qualification fee of $7.50

* Regular Price - $95.00!!
* Applies to any regularly scheduled FGC LTC class
* Please bring applicable ID or other proof of school employment on day of class

50% off Any other FGC Training Class

Also for School employees ONLY, use code (School50) to get 50% off the price of any (non-LTC) regularly scheduled Frisco Gun Club Training Class.

* Applies to any regularly scheduled FGC class (other than LTC)
* Please bring applicable ID or other proof of school employment on day of class